Monday, February 23, 2009

Assignment #7

Click here to see to go to Assignment #7

a.) Which category of Canadian Personalities interested you the most? Did you like the "we inspired", "we founded", "we fought", "we built" or "we governed" section the best?

I really liked the part, "we fought", part when how both James Wolfe, and Louis-Joseph were remembered as heroes they fought that decisive battle, during all those 5 years of conflict. Like how the first battle Marquis De Montcalm ever lost, to James Wolfe. It is was the end for both generals, the battle will decide the destiny of Canada. The battle that won Canada to British

b.) Which personality interested you the most? Why? Find an image of him or her to embed (add to the body of your post) and write, in your own words, a short description of what he or she did and why he or she is your favourite.

James Wolfe really interested me the most was, when James Wolfe was wounded during the battle that reshaped the destiny of Canada. James Wolfe the commander of the British forces in Quebec. James Wolfe fought till death to win Canada to British, it was the supreme moment. James Wolfe died On September 13, 1759. What Jame Wolfe was really interesting what he said, "The Marquis De Montcalm is at the head of a great number of bad soldiers, and I am at the head of a small number of good ones, that wish for nothing so much as to fight him — but the wary old fellow avoids an action doubtful of the behaviour of his army".

c.) In your post, suggest three more influential Canadian personalities that could be added to this site. Why did you choose these people? Which categories would they fit into? Link to information about each of them.

The three influential Canadian personalities that I picked are: Laura Secord, Lucy Maud Montgomery, and James Naismith

Laura Secord was one of the Canadian personalities I picked. Laura Secord was born in 1775, Laura became a hero of the War of 1812 when she risked her life to warn the British that the American troops were on there way to attack. She travelled for 32 Kilometers through woods and swamps, behind enemy lines, to deliver her message. I think she she belong to the we fought category, I put her in this category because, she fought passionately for a cause through actions, words, and military engagements.

The second person I will be talking about who I think who should be in the Canadian personalities is Lucy Maud Montgomery. Lucy Maud was born in 1874, she was the author of more then 20 books. Her best-known was Anne of Green Gables which has been spun off into TV, movies, plays, an entire tourist industry in Prince Edward Island, and even two theme parks in Japan. I think if Lucy can be in the Canadian personalities i would put her in the we inspired category she created works and accomplished them.

The Last but not least is James Naismith I think he should be in the Canadian personalities. James Naismith was the inventor of basketball. He had been trying to come up with a game to keep his students from being bored. With a soccer ball, two peach baskets and 13 rules, he was the man that created the sport played by then 300 million people in 180 country's. I think if he was in the Canadian personalities, I would think he would fit in the we inspired category because, he created works and accomplished them.

Vote on your favourite Canadian personality. (Click on the link to vote)
I will vote for Samuel De Champlain

6. Turn the volume down on your computer, and play the
Mystery History-Maker Match-Up. Find out which personality you have the most in common with.

7. Go back to your post and answer the following question:d.) Which History-Maker did you have the most in common with? Were you able to figure it out from the clues given? What do you share with that person? What are some things that are different between you and that person?

The person I was most in common to was James Naismith, What gave the picture of him gave it away in black you can see the ball, and the first clue gave away ever thing. I really never knew I would end up with James Naismith because i really don't like to play basketball. What me and him have in common are that he was born in fall and so was I, and he has more then three brothers and sisters. The thing him don't have in common are that he likes Basketball and i really don't like basketball, he also was born in Canada and so was I. I actually thing me and him don't have that much the same personalities so i really thing they should change the quiz, but that will be pretty cool if invented a sport.

e.) One hundred years from now, (in 2109!) imagine that students are learning about Canadian History Makers and they discover you. What will you be remembered for? How were you a Canadian History Maker? You are using your things that your imagination, so think about some would like to accomplish in your life and imagine that you have all the accomplishments of your life to look back on. Write a short profile of yourself, imagining the contributions you have made to the future of Canada. (Write this as though you've lived your whole life. You may have been a phenomenal athlete, the first black Prime Minister, cured cancer...use your imagination!)

Husam Abdurheman was born October 29, 1996 raised in Canada, Ontario, Ottawa. Husam who had one brother and two sisters, Husam was a the captain of the soccer team in Yemen where his mother and father was born, Husam was also a Doctor who was researching a cure to cancer. Husam has been researching cancer for about 8 years he spent ever penny, and risked he had to find a cure. After 2 years he found the cure to cancer, he sold the cure and made billions. He was done being a doctor, he went back to being a soccer player. Husam brought Yemen to the finals in the world cup against Spain but Husam got assassined because Spain was going to lose so someone assassined him. Husam who was born in 1996 died 2031, Husam was a hero to all the world, he was named after lakes and a country.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Assignment #6

The person I will pick for black history month will be Harriet Tubman. Harriet Tubman, was born Araminta Ross 1820 – 10 March 1913. Tubman was beaten and whipped by her various owners as a child. Harriet Tubman was an African-American, and Union spy during the U.S. Civil War. After escaping she made thirteen missions to rescue over seventy slaves.Using the network of antislavery activists and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad. The largest group settled in Upper Canada, called Canada West from 1841, and today Southren Ontario, where numerous African Canadian communities developed. I got these information