Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Assignment #5

When the first settlers came to Canada they decide to name it New France. On their here lots of people died way In Canada. The Summer was really nice and warm. They never knew how cold it was, so they had to Hunt for food to eat and they needed to the fur to wear to keep on to keep warm. They had to cut down trees to make a fire it was really hard in the winter in Canada. The first settlers deiced to take this land because of all the beaver in winter for them to hunt, because in France the beavers were starting to exited that is one reason. There was good fish and they can get more money by selling the fish and fur and make
money and they can have more land. Here are some sites I visited.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Assignment #4

Alot of my classmates did a very good job one, what will happen in 100 years from now. One of the people who did really good was mariam.k she had really good thinking about what will happen in 100 years like there is going to be less war and less polation. Another person who did really good was nader when he said there be gobal warming. There are lots of good ideas from lots of people.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hello Welcome to my blog I am in grade 7 in, Ottawa, Canada and you will be learning about Canadian history I hope you enjoy my blog and feel free to respond. I feel happy doing blog because finally we do something new. you may want to see my teacher's blog. don't forget my fun games and videos.